Nuclear Watch Network (NWN) is a non-governmental think tank dedicated to promoting independent, unbiased, systematic, and professional analyses related to nuclear non-proliferation issues affecting international peace and security. It’s main goal is to provide a better understanding of real picture of Iran’s nuclear program.

NWN is going to prepare ground for networking among experts, who are doing atomic energy and nuclear non-proliferation related studies, research, interviews and debates in academia and independent think-tanks through organizing international workshops, round tables, and conferences.


Strengthening the Non – Proliferation Treaty in all its provisions, in balance manner, and achieving deep cuts in nuclear arsenals, towards general and complete disarmament to achieve world free weapons of mass destruction are the focus of our activities.

Its primary attention is on preventing the spread of nuclear weapons to proliferators including countries, non states actors and terrorists, bringing about greater transparency of nuclear activities and facilitate access of States Party to the NPT on technology for nuclear peaceful purposes worldwide.