Global Action Required Against the Irresponsible Israeli Regime and its Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

Global Action Required Against the Irresponsible Israeli Regime and its Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

 Hossein Ajorlou

Senior Researcher of Middle East Security Studies at Nuclear Watch Network

Despite the transparent definitions of human rights and its rules and regulations, the targeted, inhumane actions of Israel against the Palestinian people have continued over the past three months. These include: 1) Excessive violence against civilians, 2) Destruction of critical infrastructure and civilian and medical facilities, 3) Intentional obstruction of humanitarian relief work, 4) Organized efforts for forced migration, 5) Widespread arrests outside judicial procedures, 6) Threats and acts of mass murder and genocide, and 7) Renewed, intensified occupation of Palestinian lands in the areas occupied since the 1967 Six-Day War.

Regardless of international and institutional protests, Israel has failed to take any serious steps to stop its inhumane actions, further proving that it is not only an occupying force according to UNSC Resolutions 242 and 252, but it is an irresponsible occupying force due to non-compliance with UNSC Resolution 237 in ensuring the security and well-being of the residents of the Palestinian territories. Furthermore, this irresponsible occupying force is also proliferating nuclear weapons [1] and has stockpiled an estimated 80 to 400 nuclear warheads [2] according to multiple official and non-official reports.

It is noteworthy to say that Israel has no active official cooperation with international institutions such as the IAEA due to its policy of deliberate ambiguity and its activities are not transparent and verifiable based on the standards of global nuclear governance, including safety, security, and non-proliferation. Moreover, not only has this military nuclear activity prevented the Middle East from becoming a region free of nuclear WMDs, but it has also formed the basis for a military nuclear arms race due to Israel’s high-level security conflicts with other regional states.

In addition to the above-mentioned, decision-makers in this irresponsible government armed with nuclear weapons have adopted ideological and expansionist policies for the mass killing of Palestinians to change their demographic structure by using WMDs and nuclear weapons under the illusory pretext of legitimate defense without even hesitating to express it.

For instance, official members of the Israeli cabinet and Knesset talk of using nuclear weapons in their military actions against the people of Gaza. One such example is the statements made by the Israeli Heritage Minister, Amichai Eliyahu [3], and MK Revital Gotliv[4]. By taking a look at such frequently used remarks by figures who are mainly professional politicians and lawmakers, it cannot be concluded that these are mistaken fleeting and emotional verbal utterances. Rather, the intent to act accordingly is always in the back of the mind of Israeli officials. It must also be noted that, given Israel’s aggressive approach towards the Palestinian people and regional countries spreading insecurity, as well as this irresponsible occupying force opposing and ignoring positive trends such as the formation of a Palestinian state and a referendum of its original inhabitants to determine its fate, this insecure and unstable situation will only grow to make the threat of using nuclear weapons more likely than ever before.

Under the circumstances, serious action is required by the international community and public and official institutions to control and reduce a possible nuclear threat against world peace and stability and maintain human rights, particularly for the people of Palestine and their periphery. Certain moves have already been made in this area, such as:

  1. A letter written by the Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Mohammad Eslami, to the IAEA Director General, Rafael Grossi, denoting Israeli nuclear threats and official global action required to counter this [5].
  2. South African lawyers citing official and unofficial statements by Israeli authorities to use nuclear weapons in the genocide against the people of Palestine at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) [6].
  3. Condemnation by countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, and Yemen of statements made by Israeli officials to use nuclear weapons in Gaza [7].

These measures are effective, but rather insufficient to stop the proliferation and deployment of nuclear weapons by the occupying, irresponsible Israeli government. It seems that the issue must acquire further comprehensive dimensions, as follows:

  1. Creating international diplomatic and legal campaigns by countries to pressurize Israel and its allies to end the threat of its military nuclear program and place it under the international non-proliferation regime.
  2. Under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, regional and international communities, and the UNSC in particular, must take steps to promote regional and international peace and stability.
  3. The IAEA must abandon its political double standards and take appropriate action in its duties to monitor the Israeli nuclear program.
  4. Creating NGO campaigns against the proliferation of nuclear weapons by the irresponsible Israeli government.




[3] Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu says dropping ‘nuclear bomb’ on Gaza is ‘option’. Available at:

[4] Israel MK Revital Gotliv  says ‘use Doomsday weapons’ against Gaza, Available at:


